Roblox Super Bomb Survival Wiki

Last Trick was a perk that made the user drop four Cluster Bombs, dealing 5 damage each. This perk would only activate if the user would die in a round. This perk has since been removed and replaced with Icon LastChanceLast Chance.

Tips and Tricks[]

  • If players are using close-range skills against you, you can use this to damage them if they kill you.
  • This perk will be ineffective if nobody is nearby to take damage when you spawn the Cluster Bombs.
  • This perk could complement Icon SelfDestruct Self-Destruct if you end up blowing yourself, potentially killing players weakened by the self-destruction.
  • Despite its ability to hurt others, you will not be granted skill points for hurting other players with the bombs.
  • If you really want to use Last Trick, resetting your character will trigger it instantaneously. If you reset right as the round ends, you can trigger it and still win.


  • This replaced an old perk called "Hardcore", which let the player play on Hardcore Mode
    • It was replaced by the current Hardcore option.
  • This was the only perk that could damage other players.
  • Last Trick was considered by many to be the worst perk in the game, as it activated on death and was easy to avoid, while granting no benefits to the user while they were alive.
    • This was likely why it was replaced with Last Chance.
  • This was the cheapest perk in the game, tied with Icon BombVisionBomb Vision.


Icon LastTrick Last Trick
Icon Tank Tank
Icon Unseen Unseen
